Keeping your personal data safe is our number one priority, so we want to let you know about a few changes we are make in regards to the new regulations which take affect as from the 25th May 2018 this is the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Under this new law, European standards in data protection shall be in line with current technology standards. This is good news for all individuals as it's all about treating your personal information with the respect and security it deserves.
Please check over our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Notice for more informtaion.
What this means to all individuals:
You will get futher protection of your personal data.
Stadardisation of European data protection.
Adoption of dataprotection in line with technology changes.
Here's where you can veiw all of our new information regarding your Privacy, Data Protection, Terms and Conditions and Website Terms of Use.
Please click on the link below to read the updated Privacy Policy.